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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Long Tongue See just On This Place.

Tags:Today I found out that the tongue doesn’t have zones specializing in specific tastes, contrary to popular belief. So why did your third grade teacher tell you they did and make you memorize each zone, then mark you down when you got one of them wrong which resulted in you not getting to go play with your friends that night because you’d promised your mom the night before that you had them down pat and didn’t need to study anymore? Well it turns out mostly because Mrs. Schultz was full of crap and very possibly a decedent of the devil himself; or if not him, a minor daemon of the second class. I mean, how many times do you have to explain to her that you can taste sweetness and the other major tastes on every part of your tongue, before she believes you and stops trying to teach you things that are obviously false? (ya, I’m not bitter or anything)
This most longs Tongue In Our routine ,This Is A gift From God For this babe,This most longs Tongue In Our routine ,This Is A gift From God For this babe,
This most longs Tongue In Our routine ,This Is A gift From God For this babe,Most Funny tongue Photo.


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